Thursday, September 17, 2009

darkness of the light


Darkness surrounds you like a blanket. You can’t breath. You try and scream but you can’t. It’s like a disease and its spreading all over your body. Into your arms, your legs, your brain, your heart. Suffocation. Something’s holding you down. Like the weight of the world, the sins of the angles, the secrets of the Gods are all pushing upon you. You try and push, you try and get out, but you can’t. Your arms give out. You collapse like a marathon runner after passing the finish line. Its hard isn’t it? You wake up in dark, windowless room. It smells like a wet basement, a muggy garage, a marsh. People are laughing, its not the happy, you just heard a funny joke, laughing. It’s the kind where you don’t know if it’s a laugh or an evil cry. Some twisted joke, or a scream. It’s the single scariest thing you’ve ever heard. The laughing, of a mad man, a creepy clown, a killer. Drip Drip Drip. Water hits the wet floor. The slow trickle of water, shouldn’t it be soothing? Glass shatters, a light, shadows creeping along the dark murky wall, coming towards you, closer. You can feel their hot breath on your neck. You try and run, but you fall. Your legs are tied up, now your arms, your eyes, your---


You're on a beach. The clear blue sky, the ocean crashing against the shore. Beautiful. Except you’re the only one on the island and there is no where to go. Desolate. The beauty of the beach starts turning ugly, maddening. You start seeing things that aren’t there. That crashing sound of the waves you liked so much drives you insane. The white sandy beach has been burned into your retina, the smell of salt soaked into your skin. It’s like a disease. Something you cant escape from and even if you tried you’d just be trapped by the immense ocean. You close your eyes, and wish you could be any where else, somewhere peaceful, somewhere far away--




  1. ..there's always light at the end of the tunnel..

  2. true...but this imaginative piece was actually to show how darkness is something that people hate but light can also become so unbearable that darkness seems appealing.

  3. can't there be a happy medium?
